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Downloading the HMD in zipped data files

To facilitate rapid downloads, the database has been organized into zipped data files. Two series of files are intended for different purposes and for different users.

For users who want to obtain all available data for an individual country or for all countries, the zipped data files labeled "By country" are recommended. The file organization follows internal practices and is not particularly user-friendly, but all publicly-available HMD data are included in this set.

For users who only want information of a given kind for all countries, the files "By statistic" are recommended. In this case the file organization is simpler, but only certain parts of the database (i.e., items labeled "Complete Data Series" on country pages) are available in this format.

By statistic

HMD statistic component

Link to zip file and its size

Period data

Birth Counts

(78 Kb )

Death Counts

(19382 Kb )

Population estimates (January 1)

(8832 Kb )

Exposure to Risk

(13167 Kb )

Death Rates

(9441 Kb )

Life Tables - Male

(18832 Kb )

Life Tables - Female

(18785 Kb )

Life Tables - Both Sexes

(18845 Kb )

Life Expectancy at Birth

(112 Kb )

Cohort data

Exposure to Risk

(13083 Kb )

Death Rates

(9858 Kb )

Life Tables - Male

(4787 Kb )

Life Tables - Female

(4840 Kb )

Life Tables - Both Sexes

(4829 Kb )

Life Expectancy at Birth

(31 Kb )

All statistics for HMD

All HMD statistics

(144948 Kb )

By country

Country and/or Subpopulation

Australia (AUS)(8520 Kb )
Austria (AUT)(4703 Kb )
Belarus (BLR)(3832 Kb )
Belgium (BEL)(10593 Kb )
Bulgaria (BGR)(4653 Kb )
Canada (CAN)(6387 Kb )
Chile (CHL)(2305 Kb )
Croatia (HRV)(2300 Kb )
Czechia (CZE)(6069 Kb )
Denmark (DNK)(12119 Kb )
Estonia (EST)(3685 Kb )
Finland (FIN)(9351 Kb )
Total population (FRATNP)(14261 Kb )
Civilian population (FRACNP)(14193 Kb )
Total population (DEUTNP)(3200 Kb )
East Germany (DEUTE)(6115 Kb )
West Germany (DEUTW)(6239 Kb )
Greece (GRC)(3931 Kb )
Hong Kong (HKG)(3374 Kb )
Hungary (HUN)(4269 Kb )
Iceland (ISL)(11097 Kb )
Ireland (IRL)(4432 Kb )
Israel (ISR)(2187 Kb )
Italy (ITA)(10276 Kb )
Japan (JPN)(6810 Kb )
Latvia (LVA)(3715 Kb )
Lithuania (LTU)(3883 Kb )
Luxembourg (LUX)(3821 Kb )
Netherlands (NLD)(10962 Kb )
New Zealand
Total population (NZL_NP)(4639 Kb )
Maori (NZL_MA)(3369 Kb )
Non-Maori (NZL_NM)(6143 Kb )
Norway (NOR)(10994 Kb )
Poland (POL)(4343 Kb )
Portugal (PRT)(5409 Kb )
Republic of Korea (KOR)(1630 Kb )
Russia (RUS)(4049 Kb )
Slovakia (SVK)(7137 Kb )
Slovenia (SVN)(3655 Kb )
Spain (ESP)(7702 Kb )
Sweden (SWE)(22627 Kb )
Switzerland (CHE)(9426 Kb )
Taiwan (TWN)(3939 Kb )
United Kingdom Total Population (GBR_NP)(6460 Kb )
England & Wales Total Population (GBRTENW)(11940 Kb )
England & Wales Civilian Population (GBRCENW)(11958 Kb )
Scotland (GBR_SCO)(10728 Kb )
Northern Ireland (GBR_NIR)(5844 Kb )
U.S.A. (USA)(7993 Kb )
Ukraine (UKR)(3553 Kb )

All countries for the HMD

All HMD countries

(340770 Kb )


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